
Challenges for the non-clinical researcher working in mental health services

Important considerations for the non-clinical researcher working in NHS Mental Health Services.

Personality traits and night eating syndrome in women with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder [Open Access]

🔊Exciting 🆕 paper shows that harm-avoidance personality traits are higher in individuals with night-eating syndrome (NES), than in the general population

A systematic review of PTSD to the experience of psychosis: prevalence and associated factors [Open Access]

Our ✨new paper✨ shows that psychosis-related PTSD is common, and that more needs to be done to ensure trauma-informed care takes place

Life Study

Cohort study which aimed to track the development, health and wellbeing of UK babies and their parents

RADAR Programme

Research into Antipsychotic Discontinuation and Reduction Study - A Randomised Controlled Trial

Critical Analysis of Qualitative Papers Workshop

We gave a workshop in the style of our journal club teaching others' how to critically analyse a qualitative paper in a step-by-step manner.